Ruby Red: An endless saga between love and time-travel
Ruby Red is the first movie (and book) in the The Ruby Red Trilogy by Kerstin Gier. Even with its differences from the books, the movie has caught my attention i a never endless obsession. Not a single year goes by without me re-watching the entire trilogy at least once every few months. It became one of my favourite movies of all time and I cannot leave it out of this blog. If you never watched it, then I think it’s time you do so.
The movies has come out by now ages ago. I remember I was still living in Italy at the time, so you won’t even have to wait for the sequel to be announced. What a luck! I remember struggling with the wait, especially as my country never released them in cinemas. And so had to wait for any bit of luck to watch them.
The trilogy follows 16 years-old Gwendolyn Shepard (Gwyneth in the English version) and Gideon De Villiers. After her birthday, Gwen unintentionally jumps back in time discovering, as a result, that she is a time-traveler. Such discovery however doesn’t come without doubts. Her cousin Charlotte was supposedly the one with the ability to travel through times. She was, after all, raised to work for the Lodge together with Gideon. So how could she be the one with the talent?
Her mum reveals the answer behind all the doubts: she actually changed her birth date to protect her from the Lodge. However, even though she falsified her document, it didn’t stop Gwen to inherit the time travel gene. A destiny that it seems was predicted all along well before her birth.
Spanning over a trilogy, Gwen and Gideon will have to face not only time travels, secrets and disagreements. Most importantly an enemy hidden in plain sight in the Count Saint-Germain and someone in their same timeline.
As I have already said, this trilogy is hands-down one of my favourite and I can only hope it will become one of yours too. I remember watching it pretty randomly. Fairly sure I must have seen some type of fanfiction or just random post online that brought me to later see the movie. As it wasn’t available in Italy, I wasn’t even sure if there was ever going to be a sequel. Sure enough, it was picked out by some platform, but never actually available in theatre or tv, so all I could do was check constantly online hoping for some news.
Well, among my just random google search, I discovered one day all 3 movies in Italian and – happiness of all – they actually did the entire story. I wasn’t expecting that, so the news came with even more happiness when I managed to find all three movies. I ate them all in a single day (literally) and to this day, I still just cannot watch the first without doing the same with the others.
Gwen and Gideon must have become one of my favourite couple of all time. Their story, even more epic in the books, is something that I will never get tired of. To whoever is to blame for making me discover this story: thank you, absolutely thank you for it.

Every time travel has a specific gemstone in their gene: Gwen is the ruby, Gideon is the diamond but so are the rest of the travelers. While the Lodge is run by men (what a surprise!) and it’s in control of the time-travelers, the Circle of Twelve is made by all the time-travelers who were alive in different points in time.
Well, I’m sure you will say “why should we care?”. Well aside from a bit of a prophecy that will have its part in the story due to the gemstones, it is absolutely amazing to see the connections between each member of the Circle.
Also, I have to say thank you to Kersten Gier for my own book as well.
No, my book is not about time travel — rather about vampires, hunters and creatures —. So why would I say thank you? Well, while struggling to find THE perfect title, I was going back and forth with everything that would come to my mind. No solution at all, I didn’t like a single one. Until, Rubinrot came in again in the picture and I was inspired in using the necklace from my book in the title.
And that’s when A House of Scarlet Souls, with Scarlet for the red gem, came to life. So yes, our books may have nothing in common with each other. But thank you Ruby-Red for being so special to me. Because I would have totally wasted much more time trying to find a title i liked if I didn’t think about using the colors after watching the movies (again!).
Well, now if I convinced you to give a chance to this book, maybe you would like to see a little sneakpeak? I would also add, the music was gold.
But I hope I maybe convinced you to give it a chance. Please let me know if I did, and if you liked it!